Word Clouds

Wordle -www.edwordle.net (Word Cloud)


  • Generates a word cloud
  • Repeated words will appear in a larger-sized font
  • Works best using Internet Explorer or Firefox



  1. Key text or highlight text
  2. Right click and select copy
  3. Go to www.edwordle.net
  4. Click on option to create your own
  5. Click in box, right click, select paste
  6. Click on create (Go)
  7. Click on Randomize to change colors, directions, etc.  You can also click on font, layout, or color to change other attributes of a word cloud
  8. Once you see a color scheme/format you prefer, Press Print Screen button one time
  9. Open Paint
  10. Click on Edit, select Paste
  11. Click on Select Tool
  12. Move mouse, click and drag to outline the “Wordle” word cloud
  13. Click on Edit, select Copy
  14. Open a new document in Microsoft Word
  15. Click in blank document, right click, select Paste to paste world cloud into Word
  16. To create a new word cloud, click on Create located above your word cloud textbox
You can also use Snipping Tool instead of Paint.  
Complete Steps 1-7.
Using Snipping Tool to acquire a snip of word cloud and copy to Word or other software.  
You can also save snip if you want.